Brian McNaughton, residing in Phoenixville, PA, is a distinguished figure in education and scientific expertise. He boasts a multitude of specialized skills that encompass biologics drug discovery, therapeutic lead assessment, and the intricate domain of large molecule pharmaceutical science. Brian is also a passionate traveler who loves to experience the world first-hand.
As a professional, Brian McNaughton is renowned for his proficiency in protein evolution, intracellular biologics delivery, pioneering nanobody-based immunotherapeutic discovery, and exploring RNA-targeted protein and peptide drug development, among other focus areas. Beyond his extensive knowledge, he is equally dedicated to nurturing the next generation, taking on the roles of mentor and educator, thereby contributing to the continued growth and development of the field.
Currently, Brian McNaughton has his hands full. He is working as a Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor. He’s also working on four different research projects. The most recent one earned him an NIH Research Grant. The study is dedicated to exploring novel protein/RNA interactions and related endeavors. Likewise, McNaughton is wrapping up several research papers, including “Cell Surface β-Lactamase Recruitment as a Selection Platform to Identify Macromolecular Interactions.”
Before assuming his current position, Brian McNaughton held the role of Associate Professor at Colorado State University from 2009 to 2018, primarily in Chemistry and secondarily in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology. Preceding his tenure at Colorado State, Brian served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University, a period during which he actively contributed to the publication of a dozen diverse research papers.
Brian McNaughton embarked on his academic journey by obtaining his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2000, which laid the cornerstone for his career. Subsequently, in 2002, he returned to academia to pursue his Doctorate, culminating in successfully attaining a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (with a specialization in Chemical Biology) from the University of Rochester.
Besides his professional endeavors, Brian McNaughton nurtures a rich tapestry of hobbies and passions. He finds immense joy in activities that connect him with the great outdoors, such as golfing and hiking. Equally treasured are the moments he shares with his children, family, and friends, strengthening the bonds that hold him dear. Furthermore, Brian is an avid and passionate painter, finding inspiration in the kaleidoscope of colors and canvases that allow him to convey his innermost thoughts and emotions across diverse artistic mediums and forms.
Traveling holds a special place in Brian McNaughton‘s heart, offering him a unique lens through which to explore and appreciate the world. An enthusiastic globetrotter, he views travel as a pastime and an opportunity for personal growth and enlightenment. Brian’s wanderlust has led him to diverse corners of the globe, exposing him to various cultures, cuisines, and perspectives. He values these journeys as a means to broaden his horizons, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of our world. Whether venturing to remote destinations or bustling metropolises, Brian McNaughton embraces each expedition with an open heart, relishing the transformative power of travel in shaping his outlook on life.
To learn more about Brian McNaughton, visit his Professional Overview site or Art blog.